Share Your Story


Photo of Young pharmacist helping elderly customer

Have you ever had trouble accessing medications or needed treatment?

If you have asthma, allergies or eczema, it’s critical that you be able to access prescribed medications and treatments. Unfortunately, many patients are finding roadblocks set in place by insurers. Some face high out-of-pocket costs, making it difficult to receive appropriate care.

It’s important to take action by advocating for yourself. You can contact your lawmakers to explain how insurance barriers affect you. You can urge them to develop policies that protect patients like yourself.

You can also share your story to make a big difference! You can share your story directly through letters to your representatives or by making public testimony at government meetings or media opportunities.

We can also share your story for you as we advocate for patients. If you experience any of the following barriers to treatment, we want to hear from you. Just fill out the contact form below to share your story with us. We can then use your story as a powerful way to help advocate for change on behalf of patients like yourself who are experiencing barriers to treatment for issues such as:

Co-pay accumulators

Are you finding that your insurer does not allow drug manufacturer coupons or copays to count toward deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums? This often applies to patients who use high-cost specialty drugs.

Prior Authorizations

Are you experiencing delays in treatment because you have to wait for your doctors to get approval from the insurer before filling a prescription or necessary treatment?

Step Therapy

Are you finding that your insurer is requiring you to use a cheaper medication instead of the one prescribed by your doctor? Step therapy, sometimes called fail first therapy,  requires patients to try and fail the cheaper medication before gaining access to the one prescribed by your doctor.


Are you finding you are not able to use insurance coverage for telehealth services?

Other Barriers to Treatment

Are you experiencing other barriers in accessing the medications or treatment you need? These barriers may include poverty, lack of transportation or language or cultural differences. We want to hear about them.

Provider Stories

If you are a provider experiencing barriers to care for any of your patients, we want to hear your stories as well. We know insurance protocols are an administrative burden that hinders care to patients for whom we advocate.

If you would like to share your story regarding your own barriers to treatment, please fill out the form at the link below to share the details with us.

See Advocacy News & Articles

Read current and past articles regarding advocacy on our main Allergy & Asthma Website